Handling Amount Fields in a Phoenix Application with Ecto Custom Types
In this tutorial, we will discuss a common problem faced in Elixir applications related to handling and storing formatted amount fields in a databas..

Automatic convertion to verified routes
One of the nicest features in the new Phoenix 1.7 is the verified routes. Instead of the previous auto generated route-function, there is a p-sigil ..

Run one off tasks in Phoenix
If you run a web application with users in production, you have surely had the need to run a task that changes the database for one or more users. T..

Sortable lists with Phoenix LiveView and SortableJS
A very common user interface pattern on the web is to have sortable elements. In this tutorial I will go through how to accomplish sortable lists wi..

Send Tailwind styled Emails with Phoenix and Swoosh
This tutorial came up as a way to style an email sendout with Tailwind classes.The reason I want to do this is that styling emails is a pain and I u..

Tailwind Navbar New LiveView 0.18 components
With the latest Phoenix LiveView 0.18 release it has finally become time to revisit components. In the previous version, the components was a little..

Implement HTML redirects with phoenix plug
In this tutorial, I will go through how you can add html redirects to your Phoenix application. The goal is to have a CRUD interface in my admin whe..

Teams Feature with Phx.Gen.Auth
A very common feature in web applications, especially SAAS applications are the concept of teams where a user can have and belong to multiple teams...

LiveView and page specific javascript
In most applications you have some page specific javascript that is only used in one or just a few pages. The solution for this is to either setup..