Listing Tutorials

Published 26 Dec - 2020
Updated 29 Jan - 2023
Phoenix 1.7

Phoenix 1.7 and Bootstrap 5

Even though a large part of the Phoenix community seem to embrace Tailwind, there are still a lot that prefer Bootstrap CSS framework. And with Boos..

Published 11 Jul - 2020
Updated 22 May - 2021

Create a reusable modal with LiveView Component

To reduce duplicity and complexity in your apps, Phoenix LiveView comes with the possibility to use reusable components. Each component can have its..

Published 01 Feb - 2020
Updated 01 May - 2020

Create a Bootstrap Like Modal with Tailwind and Alpine.js

In certain scenarios, it doesnt really make sense to use LiveView. That can be toggling dropdowns, tabs, accordions and opening modals. There is a g..