17. LiveView Typeahead
In a recent video, we made a reusable combobox component that can be used either in a form or as a standalone component. Now, we're going to take it a step further. In this video, we're going to build a typeahead component in Phoenix LiveView that dynamically fetches suggestions in real-time based on user input. By basing it on our combobox, we'll create a flexible and reusable component that predicts and suggests input, retrieving data from an external datasource.
The main difference is that comboboxes primarily allow selection from a predefined list with the option to enter new data, while typeaheads focus on predicting and suggesting input based on what’s being typed. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the list of options is extensive or frequently searched. We'll pass the datasource as an option when mounting the component, as well as a callback function to handle what happens when an option is selected.
By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a powerful typeahead component that enhances usability in any form or search field. If you're looking to make your Phoenix LiveView applications smarter and more interactive, this video is for you. We'll build a version of our combobox that not only fetches suggestions dynamically but also integrates seamlessly with your existing forms and data sources. So, stay tuned, and let's dive into making your user interfaces more intuitive and responsive.