How to combine Phoenix LiveView with Alpine.js
No matter how great Phoenix LiveView is, there is still some use case for sprinking some JS in your app to improve UX. For example, tabs, dropdowns,..
Getting started with GraphQL and Absinthe in Phoenix
In the last tutorial, there I had an app with a simple rest api that was authenticated with Guardian and Json Web Token. In this tutorial, I will go..
Create a reusable modal with LiveView Component
To reduce duplicity and complexity in your apps, Phoenix LiveView comes with the possibility to use reusable components. Each component can have its..
Nested Templates and Layouts in Phoenix Framework
Eventually when your site reach a certain maturity, you look into ways to refactor the code. One is to add parts of the templates in reusable layout..
Introducing Boilerplate Builder
I have started a new project. Its a free PhoenixBoilerplate that you tweak and select features after your need and taste. The background is that I ..
Updating LiveView Spring 2020 ed
Due to the hard work of the Phoenix LiveView team, there has been a lot of work done. However, there have been some breaking changes. For example ..
Multi-tenancy and Phoenix - Part 2
In the previous tutorial, I wrote how to set up multi-tenancy with Phoenix and Pow. In this tutorial, I will show how I scope resources the current ..
Multi-tenancy and authentication with Pow
I basically model every app with multi-tenancy in mind. It is way easier to do it while building than to implement it as an after thought. Also, P..